Transformative Trainings, Engaging Workshops, and Inspiring Keynotes

Hammes Homestead and Consulting offers a range of impactful services to help individuals and organizations unlock their full potential. Our transformative trainings, engaging workshops, and inspiring keynotes empower success and drive meaningful change. 

Purpose Discovery Workshop

  • 3-4 hours of engaging self-discovery content
  • Ideal for full-day or half-day retreats
  • Cultivate individual purpose and calling statement
  • Gain clarity in personal and professional life
  • Special 'brain break' for creative expression
  • Embrace new avenues of self-expression
  • Outcome is an antidote for stress and burnout

Self-Care is not Selfish

  • 45–60-minute presentation/keynote
  • Develop or update your personalized self-care plan
  • Learn practical strategies for sustainable self-care
  • Identify personalized self-care actions and habits
  • Understand the impact of self-care on overall well-being and recovery
  • Embrace the notion that prioritizing self-care benefits everyone

Workplace Mental Health

  • Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR), Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), or MHFA overview
  • Equip employees to recognize warning signs 
  • Focus on early intervention and prevention
  • Develop skills to offer initial help and guidance
  • Create a supportive and understanding workplace culture
  • Foster a proactive approach to mental well-being

Interested in bringing workshop or training to your organization?

I welcome the opportunity to visit with you more about training opportunities for your leadership team, work group, or organization. 

Let's Visit